Nerd Nite is, put simply, Learning and Drinking. Three speakers give 18-21 minute presentations while the audience drinks along.
On April 1st, Nerd Nite at Phoenix Art Museum dives into the world of that moody, candle-lit overachiever of an era we call the Renaissance, and in particular, one of its most widely revered and enigmatic thinkers, Leonardo da Vinci.
From Mnemotechnics to Time Travel to Fluid Dynamics, our speakers riff off of themes from Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Leicester and the Power of Observation. Age 21+.Free Admission but seating is limited. RSVP here!

The Evening’s Presentations
What is a Time Machine?
If you lived forever, would you wear a watch?
What would it be like to live in world where everything ran backwards?
How can the same event seem to take forever or pass in a flash?
Sha Xin Wei will talk about our sense of rhythm, change, dynamic, and how we build time machines out of neutron stars, rocks, books and music.
Sha Xin Wei, Ph.D., is Professor and Director of the School of Arts, Media + Engineering at ASU. Sha also directs the Synthesis Center for responsive environments and improvisation with colleagues in AME and affiliate research centers. For more information on Sha Xin Wei, click
here or
From Elements to Emergence: The Journey From Theatre Producers to Art/Science Match Makers.
What happens when a nobel laureate in Chemistry invites improv actors onstage in place of his usual powerpoint presentation? When an entomologist and a composer give out 100 slide whistles to replicate the movement of invasive species? When a modern dancer performs a duet with a fruit fly in service of physics? Max Evjen and Megan Halpern share their stories of messy, exciting, sometimes amazing, and often fraught collaborations between artists and scientists. These tales are all part of the history of Redshift Productions, founded by the pair in 2000 to explore the intersection of art, science, and audiences. Evjen and Halpern will discuss how they created these collaborations, what success and failure looked like, and finally, why they think such collaborations are important.